
Published on:

14th Feb 2022

An invitation to your spiritual stamina for deeper conversations that can change the world

This is much more personal than what I usually share. But it's what's been on my mind as far as what is truly needed in the world. I see this pattern happening in many spiritual and personal development circles ("Everyone should be more high-vibe like me and then problems would resolve themselves"), and it keeps people from being able to impact the world in a more meaningful way...

The world needs you. Right now. Thoughtful, wise deep listeners who can sit and marinate with the challenges of the world without assuming they (or just "high vibes") have the answers to everything. SKIP THIS ESPISODE if you want something fast and shiny.

Next Spark Your Feminine Presence group: https://adelewang.lpages.co/spark-your-feminine-presence-notify-me/

I've helped thousands of professional, spiritual, perfectionist women (and some amazing men) create happiness and success in an imperfect world. Clarifying and honing in on your life's purpose is essential for reaching your full potential. What is it you're meant to be doing? You have one life. Make it glorious, bodacious and fulfilling. For more information on me, check out linktr.ee/AdeleWang

Book a complimentary Discovery Conversation: https://my.timetrade.com/book/3MDN1

Or grab a free gift from me here, "The Ultimate Women's Stress Relief Guide":  http://usrg.safehavenhealing.net/

Are we a match to work together? Book a Discovery Conversation here: https://www.timetrade.com/book/3MDN1

Show artwork for All Things Human with Adele Wang

About the Podcast

All Things Human with Adele Wang
More success with less struggle
Don't spend your life getting ready to live it. Connect to your purpose so you can connect more deeply to you yourself, your livelihood and other people. Sounds simple, but this can be challenging, especially if you're a perfectionist over-thinker. Get suggestions that work to help you create a life that matters.Join Adele Wang every Wednesday and Saturday for tips from her 17 years experience as a top coach supporting thousands of purpose-driven people around the world. Sometimes she'll interview thought-leaders who are creating innovative change. Other times she'll share what has worked for clients or herself for overcoming anxiety and finding clarity in a noisy and rapidly-changing ecosystem. If you're having trouble being the real you and you want a more purpose-driven life, this show is for you. Each episode contains gems to help you uncover your own magic. What are you meant to be doing? How can you create the most evocative life possible? You only live once. Make it your best.